Jazz gallery THREE:
All Paintings in gallery two are 24" x 36" or 36" x 24" nformation including title and price are listed on the image when you select it. All paintings are sold unframed unless otherwise specified and come with a Certificate of Authenticity. Please contact us for prices.
Jazz gallery One:
All Paintings in gallery one are 12" x 16" or 16" x 12" information including title and price are listed on the image when you select it. All paintings are sold unframed unless otherwise specified and come with a Certificate of Authenticity. Please contact us for prices. Jazz gallery TWO:
All Paintings in gallery two are 20" x 24" or 24" X 20" information including title and price are listed on the image when you select it. All paintings are sold unframed unless otherwise specified and come with a Certificate of Authenticity. Please contact us for prices.